
Show Up

A political action aimed to increase voter turnout among millenials in the 2018 Midterm Elections


a new kind
of gotv campaign.

Show Up 2018 is a non-partisan movement to galvanize youth voter registration and turnout with a new kind of get out the vote campaign. This critical and current call to action asks voters to recruit at least one new person (+1) to register and Show Up for the midterm elections.

+ Creative Direction
+ Commercial and Doc Film
+ Branding
+ Web Design

The Challenge

1. The digital media landscape is saturated.

Cutting through the noise and capturing people’s attention can be difficult.

2. People aren’t emotionally invested in voting.

They don’t identify themselves as “voters.”

3. Voter campaigns aren’t new.

They rely entirely on celebrity endorsements, and in doing so, they fail to emotionally connect to viewers.


The Solution

1. Catapult

Using a Big-Short-style spot we grab our audience’s attention. People aren’t voting because they don’t understand its impact or how it works.

2. Humanize

Create a lasting and emotional connection with our newfound following by introducing our real, documentary-style stories.

3. Motivate

Drive home the Show Up message by energizing our audience with content that is no-nonsense, urgent and exciting.

PC: Verluxe


1. catapult


2. humanize


3. Motivate





PC: Verluxe

PC: Verluxe

PC: Verluxe

PC: Verluxe

PC: Verluxe

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